Greetings From The President 


As we reflect on this past year, I think of the vision we had nine years ago, which led to the establishment of The Concerned Citizens of South Putnam. These past nine years have been wonderful; we have had our highs and lows together. We have accomplished a lot, but much more work is needed. I hope this note finds you healthy and ready to start a fresh beginning! I anticipate what God has for our organization, and more importantly, our community this year and beyond. We have new residents to get to know and an opportunity to press the reset button and bring awareness of our commitment to the community.

There is no secret that our strength, success, and ability to impact our community positively come from our ability to be unified and on one accord. We must continue to find innovative ways to reach the citizens of our community, educate them, encourage people to join our group, and fight the good fight with us, peacefully, with love, and in unity.

Your Board of Directors is prayerfully spending time planning, brainstorming, and strategically seeking ways to impact the community more and achieve desired outcomes. To do this, we need to focus on increasing our membership numbers. Our community is growing, and decisions are being made that will affect all of us.

This committee was created to be a sounding voice for the citizens of the South Putnam community, ensuring equality is enforced and doing the right thing isn’t optional. This year we have a lot of things going on. Many of our members have been with the group from the beginning. We need you to be leaders and take the initiative in showing our new members how to align with our mission and vision and the importance of our work for our community.

To our newer members, we need you to be active and not afraid to share new and innovative ideas to ensure we accomplish our goals and exceed expectations. Lastly, while we do many projects and volunteer work throughout the year, the following are our major events:

1. Restoration of the Historical African American Masonic Lodge
2. Formation of Inner Committees
3. Fundraising Initiatives
4. Recruits and Donors
5. MLK Day, “Soul Food Festival, and our famous Christmas Gala

I look forward to what God has for our community and us. I’m thankful for each member and everything you’ve done to make our group great! We need everyone because, without you, nothing gets accomplished!

Thank you for being a CONCERNED CITIZEN.

Respectfully Submitted,
Veronica Glover-CCSP President